Tag Archive | bucket list

What to do before I kick the bucket

A few weeks ago I participated in a small bucket-list project. It was simple, share the top 10 things on your bucket-list with others. 

Easy, right? It’s things you dream about as a kid and an adult – anything is possible! Maybe take a step on the moon, reach the top of Mt. Everest, live in the African Savannah for a month…the list could go on forever.

I like to go a little bit more, practical, if you will.

Now before you roll your eyes and say that’s not the point of a bucket-list, let me explain. This list should be composed of one’s ambitions, things that we strive for every day.

And let’s be honest, if I don’t ever attempt to climb Mt. Everest – my life will go on. If I don’t find happiness in my career and have a family – my life won’t be what I want. 

I want to blaze a trail in the communications and business world for women, I want to make a name for myself. I also want a family one day that is full of love…and slightly crazy. Because really, who doesn’t love a family slightly off their rocker?

Bucket-lists should be what YOU really want in life, not something completely outrageous. Yes, I want to skydive in Australia, but celebrating a 50th wedding anniversary is more important. If I travel to Australia and happen to skydive in the process, even better.

Standing in the Four Corners, seeing a lion in the African Savannah and toasting life on top of the Eiffel Tower are on my to-list when I visit Europe, but my bucket-list falls a little closer to home.

Here are ten things I want to accomplish before I “kick the bucket”.

1) Run five half-marathons (one completed…four to go!)
2) Swim with dolphins
3) Adopt a dog
4) Have a fabulous wedding followed by a fabulous marriage
5) Celebrate a 50th, 60th maybe even 70th wedding anniversary with the same person
6) Take my children to Disney
7) Take my parents on a cruise
8) Live to be 100 and have a cake with 100 candles
9) Celebrate New Year’s Eve in Times Square
10) Visit each of the 50 states (includes seeing Mt Rushmore, The Grand Canyon and the Golden Gate Bridge)

Side notes:
-I can even modify #7 to take my parents to dinner. This does not include my boyfriend and I attempting to pay for our own part and creating a small scene…just treating my parents to a nice dinner.  Shouldn’t be too difficult – but in my family, treating others isn’t always the easiest! 
-I also have another list that is full of professional goals for my career. That is its own list that I WILL accomplish before I retire.

After working at Walt Disney World for nine months I am a true Disney Princess. I can’t wait to take my children to this wonderful, magical world and let them experience everything. For those of you that know me, I will be that mother running faster than her children to stand in line to see Princess Cinderella. You need to be on your A-game at Disney!

Someone asks what happens after I complete one of the tasks on my list…that spot  gets filled by another. After a few years of workings maybe some bigger dreams will make the top 10. But right now, I am excited to live in Columbus and have small, mini-adventures in surrounding cities. I want to go to Chicago and Nashville, and I think celebrating New Years Eve in Time Square should happen in my 20s.

I would love to know what’s on your list! Bucket-lists are such interesting concepts! Is your list full of adventurous items or do you focus on one specific event?

Thanks for reading!

You have a choice. You can throw in the towel, or you can use it to wipe the sweat off of your face.

I’m a big believer of bucket lists – everyone should have a list of things they want to accomplish before they “kick the bucket”. On this list there should be goals ranging from visiting a quaint café in Paris, taking a family vacation to Hawaii, swimming with dolphins to climbing a mountain.

And, maybe a few that don’t need thousands of dollars in travel fees. So I signed up for the Capital City Half Marathon on May 5th.

13.1 miles – bring it on!

Now, to understand why this is on my  bucket list and why I am DETERMINED to become a person who loves running you need to know the back story. Me and running? Not exactly best friends. More like frenemies. I run and my lungs explode, sweat fills my eyes, my legs cramp and I slowly lose energy and drop to the sidewalk.

Not really of course, but that’s how it used to feel. But I loved the way I felt after a run. I felt stronger and more energized, so I promised myself I would try very hard to become someone who enjoyed running. Instead of hopping on the elliptical or the bike – I’ve tried to run a mile. Not a large goal, but a personal goal. Then slowly after a few weeks of a mile, it became two, then three, then four … and it’s still right around four miles but I’m working on that.

I have 53 days before the 1/2 Marathon and my goal is to finish the race in under 3 hours. Nothing too crazy – just a personal goal.

I want to encourage everyone to step out of their comfort zone and make a bucket list … but include things that can be crossed off within a few months. Bucket lists can include taking a new exercise class like yoga, pilates, spinning or kickboxing. Exercising is great for the mind, body and soul; and it’s always fun to take a risk.

I’ll keep you updates about my training and the race! While I don’t ever see myself being the first one to finish a 1/2 or full marathon, I see myself slowing falling in love with a sport that makes me feel strong and helps keep me toned and in shape.

Let me know if you are running in the Cap City 1/2 Marathon!

Hope I see you there,